Saturday, October 8, 2011

Guitar Repairers - Session 2

The Guitar Repairer fellas have kindly allowed me to come into their workshop again to do another quick sketch session. As usual, the shop offers a smorgasbord of subjects to try and capture. There are so many interesting things going on in there visually from beautiful guitars hanging on the walls, to stacks of amplifiers, to the workspace itself that it is hard to know where to start. And this for me provides the first challenge to overcome. What am I going to draw? I decided to begin by focussing on some guitar details rather than trying to capture an arrangement of things in the room.
Something that I thought I would try this time was using pastel on coloured paper which is a medium that I am not really familiar with using. I generally use normal pencil on paper when I do sketchbook work mainly because it is easy to carry around. But because I am so used to working this way I tend to find myself labouring on finer details. By using a different media I was curious to see if it would help to break this habit and force me into a different direction.
It did in a way, but habits die hard and I did take more time sketching the guitar pieces than I probably should have. Moving my focus onto figures forced me into drawing things faster and getting the gesture and composition down quickly but it takes some getting used to and is something that I will look at more in my next session.
For me these sketches are as much about getting things wrong and learning from the mistakes as it was about getting something that looks halfway right. Here are all of the drawings whether I was happy with the outcome or not.
For those interested in seeing some of the beautiful handiwork produced by the Guitar Repairers, head to my 'Links' area for their website.

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